HeartSGBlogs: Self-discipline

Self-discipline refers to our ability to control or restrain ourselves from all kinds of feelings, impulses, and desires, which includes the desire for physical and material comfort.

Self-discipline is something that is learnt and developed as we grow older.

Self-discipline is rarely observed in children as they still do not have the full capacity to think in terms of the future. As the “self” aspect of “self-discipline” is not fully developed, self-discipline is often taught on the basis of discipline through our parents, school and the society.

Hence, the word DISCIPLINE throughout our lives will be always associated with punishments. DISCIPLINE will always be remembered as the devil in our childhood memories, emotions of sadness, despair, fear and anger will automatically be presented in our thoughts.

Yes, discipline is scary but self-discipline is different from that type of discipline.

Self-discipline is self-love; it is the love so great enough to allow yourself to forego immediate pleasure, to think & actively act based on what is best for you in the long term. It is the very thing that will give us the power to overcome the temptations that cross your road towards your goals, success and dreams. 

Soon you will realise that nothing will be as valuable as your path towards self-discipline.  It is hard but definitely worth it. It is the very thing that differentiates just talent and actual skill. Hard work will be rewarded and no one or nothing can take that away.

“Winners embrace hard work.  They love the discipline of it, the trade-off they’re making to win.  Losers, on the other hand, see it as a punishment.  And that’s the difference.” –  Lou Holtz

3 ways to work towards Self-Discipline

Accept & Not Avoid Temptations

Avoidance of Temptations is the act of sweeping things under the carpet. We may be able to lie to ourselves once or twice, but this does not last. We won’t be able to lie to ourselves for long.
Acceptance of Temptations is simply to recognise that such impulses exist, being open & honest about it. This allows you move on faster, as to you, these desires are just a presence. 

Imagine that you are trying to become healthier. Compare these thoughts “There are delicious looking cookies on the table” and “Don’t look at those cookies, do not touch or try to eat them”. There is a higher chance that we would not eat the cookie when we think of the first thought rather than the second thought.  

The more we try to avoid such desires; we will eventually be consumed by thoughts to actively avoid the temptations. Avoiding temptations becomes such a painful process as we are consciously aware of us giving up the pleasure for a long time, and this increases the possibility for us to give in to our desires.
Give up control

When temptations come, we unconsciously make the effort to act upon it. Then that tug of war of giving in to those cravings and winning against those cravings begins, with your mind dealing with those internal struggles. What if you consciously made an effort to not act upon it? Your mind would be at peace, no war would have to happen in your head. Hence, at times beating those temptations is simply to know that we don’t necessarily have to decide what to do with it.

Always remember your initial motive

Constantly remind yourself that you are doing this because it is ultimately the best for yourself. You shape and determine your own future. The pleasure experienced by the lack of self-discipline is only temporary, and it can never be compared to the joy that you will feel after accomplishing your goal or aim.

A little quote to ignite that fire to build that strength for self-discipline;

“If I want to be great I have to win the victory over myself…self-discipline.” – Harry S. Truman

"Having the simplest self-discipline, create Legends"