HeartSGBlogs- Initiative

Being initiative as defined by the dictionary has three meanings:

1. Is having the ability to assess and initiate things without promptings from others.
2. Is having that capacity to act or take charge before others do.
3. Is having the power to perform a strategy intended to resolve a difficulty or improve a situation; a fresh approach to something.

Initiative people summarized based on the three meanings can be described as independent and courageous leaders.

It is a known fact that initiative people are often those who succeed in achieving their dreams, goals and ambitions. 

Showing initiation allows for the creation of opportunities, allows one to be in control, and constantly fuels one’s internal passion.   

One of the most valued rewards of being initiative is the outcome of continuous improvement that it provides.

However, this consequence is the very thing that hinders us from being initiative. Continuous improvement also equates change. Change is something that is not easily accepted, as it requires us to be different, to take an extra mile or step. Change is something that is always feared, no matter it being a good one or a bad one.

When the consequence of change is being recognized, we automatically start putting our minds into that state, the state that evaluates all types of possible risks and disadvantages towards showing our initiation. 

The so called risks and disadvantages calculated may not necessarily be accurate as your unconscious fear has also given their inputs. Risk-takers are winners, taking a little risk is the key to giving yourself a chance to create a better life for yourself.

Take initiative and grant yourself the power to become your best selves today!

Little Advises to be more initiative

Prepare & Act together

Once we have something to be initiative for, we tend to prepare for it, trying to ensure that the risk taken is paid off or at least not backfire on us. This preparation phase often takes much time and effort as we are trying to perfect it. The more time taken, the more we will procrastinate and give excuses on acting. Beware of this phase that hinders you; conquer this possibility by preparing and acting at the same time. Form small goals to prepare and act concurrently, so that you can see little movements in that initiation, motivating the strength to act continuously.

Acknowledge learning through doing

Some things in life are indeed skill-based, like learning an instrument, learning driving or learning how to painting. There are no guidebooks or no steps to follow. This is exactly the learning procedure on being initiative. If we never done it, there is no way we will find out if it works or not. Being initiative has no clear cut procedures or consequence; if you want to learn how, take that step of doing first.

Welcome the possibility of screwing up

Screwing up on being initiative does not seem as bad as it portrays to be. Initiation is always an extra step, at most you will be judged for doing too much. This type of consequence should not hinder us, tell yourself that you cannot make everyone happy and the opinions are constantly changing. Since we cannot control it, why bother. Screwing up also means another opportunity to make your initiation work or encourage other’s initiation, bringing unexpected insights and rewards to yourself and those around you.

Going that extra mile, always pays off, it all depends on your perception of it.

Have more initiative; you never know how its magic inspires yourself and those around you.

"Having the simplest initiative, create Legends"