
Kindness is affection, gentleness, warmth, concern, and care, the beauties in our society.

Any act of KINDNESS has a PROFOUND impact.
It is a cure, a push to action, and most importantly, naturally CONTAGIOUS
Kindness is our medicine; it cures everything, from heartaches, breakups to headaches, sleeplessness, anxiety, anger, stress. 

It not only cures but motivates us to continue on, to survive despite every hardship in this world. It is the very reason why life existed. Every parent decides to have children because they want their next generation to experience the kindness that the world can offer. 


Kindness is stupid, weak, it does not pay off, and it gets you nowhere!

Is this really true? Is being KIND that useless?


Is it simply an excuse we give ourselves because it is difficult?

These thoughts come in when we succumb and cave in to ourselves, when we put our needs over others, or even acting kindly because of our own motives. 

The rewards of kindness are not lies; we just need to let nature be, allow simple, pure, and genuine kindness to be in control. Without many thoughts, that’s when true kindness can occur. 

3 ways to continue Kindness

Don’t Overthink

If you want to help, just help. Don’t let other thoughts distract that nature, ERASE “What would others say? What if I get in unnecessary trouble? What if the help becomes a hindrance?” IMMEDIATELY & JUST DO IT

Taking Care of Yourself  

Kindness comes from within, it is only when you are able to show it to yourself, then you are able to show it to others. Practice self-love. Treat yourself exactly the way you want to treat others and others to treat you. Watch your favorite movie; buy yourself your favorite food, rest when needed. 

Track kindness

Fuel the belief in kindness. Take time to reflect on your day, you’ll be more aware of the small gestures of kindness that others do and also without realizing you may be actually performing acts of kindness already. 



"Having the simplest kindness, create Legends"