HeartSGBlogs: Independence

Don’t give men fish to eat, teach them how to fish.

This famous saying emphasizes on the importance of independence. This way of teaching nurtures independence that allows one to maximize their inner potential.

Independence is the act of not relying on others for one’s necessities.
Independence can be achieved and obtained in various ways, personal, emotional and financial.

It gives us something so important; a sense of self: Self-worth, self-value, and self-fulfillment. These ultimately initiate confidence, satisfaction and freedom. Nothing is greater than knowing that you are in control and you yourself have the power of choice.

This independence should not undermine the value of interdependence, but rather drive interdependence in a positive manner. It is possible to seek assistance from others by remaining independent. There should be a balance between the two, so that independence does not become your enemy but remain as a forever reliable ally.

Hence, these are three ways to encourage and develop independence but keep in mind that these actions should not hinder the value of interdependence as well.

3 ways to foster independence from within

Get to know yourself

The way to start relying on yourself is to figure out your own identity. It is only when you know yourself, then you can entrust yourself into your own hands. Start by doing a self-reflection.

Be mindful of your daily habits, routines and practices.
Keep Track of your moods, feelings and thoughts
Realize your strengths and weaknesses

Knowing yourself can also come from advice of others. Interdependence and independence can serve as complementary functions where more perspectives are given for you to decide who you really are deep within.

Become Assertive

This action allows you to respect yourself, your opinions, your judgements and logics. Becoming Assertive gives you the chance to become more confident within your own skin. These rewards will keep you motivated to be independent.

Say Yes when you feel like and No when you don’t
Take the courage to voice out your perspectives
Try not to use “I think” or “I might”, simply use the word “I”

Beware and take note of the possibility of hindering interdependency. If others have their own perceptions and opinions, be sure to respect it as well.  As important as it is to respect your own independence, it is also important to respect other’s independence as well.

Enjoy being alone

Usually, the society judges us when we are alone. However alone time is the time when we truly can get in touch with our own being and feel that sense of self we all need. You will realize that you can also be happy when you are alone. There is also an extra benefit that we don’t have to accommodate to the needs of others. Take up the challenge of going out by yourself.

Have a movie date with yourself
Go to a concert alone
Go to your favorite restaurant with yourself

Remember not to make it a habit. Social gatherings are important for the self as well. Only when we can control and make responsible decisions for the GOOD of ourselves, then we are able to be called independent. 

"Having the simplest independence, create Legends"