
Commonly, Gratitude is a social emotion that signals our recognition of the things others have done for us. 

When I hear the word, Gratitude, a certain memory of mine always fades in.

For a school community involvement project, I had an opportunity to volunteer at Batam. At one of the villages, we taught the children how to make handicraft bracelets, and these bracelets were given to them as a memento. Unfortunately, a little girl lost her bracelet, but thankfully, we managed to find it in the end. 

This incident is ingrained deeply in my heart as I not only managed to help the little girl, but more importantly it taught me the true meaning of Gratitude.  

That change in emotion from that initial sadness and despair to the shining round eyes, and radiant smiles when she expressed her thanks was unimaginable. When those smiles came through, I thought to myself, will I be able to feel such emotions just over a bracelet? My answer was No. It suddenly dawned on me, if only we were able to sincerely appreciate the smallest things we had in life, the same intensity and frequency of bliss I saw in that little girl can be felt as well.   

Hence, gratitude is not simply experienced from the acknowledgement of what others have done for us but also through the regard and respect for the natural goodness in life. 

Gratitude has been scientifically proven and established itself as the originator of happiness; hence countless amazing life outcomes are associated with gratitude. Some examples include, improving our social & professional lives, and gaining better physical & emotional health. So do not wait & exercise gratitude NOW! 

3 Methods to Exercise Gratitude

1. Pause Before Meals

Before digging in, take the time to appreciate and silently thanked the people involved in making the food, from the farmer to the preparer. 

2. Give thanks for breathing the moment you wake up. 

Appreciate that you are still able to do the things that you have planned out to do the day before. 

3. Acknowledge those who seem to be insignificant but absolutely needed in our daily lives. 

Say thank you to cleaners, road side sweepers, domestic helpers, and construction workers, etc.  

Commitment to gratitude is NOT a passive act. It requires dedication, mindfulness, and selflessness.
Check in regularly with the simple statement: “I AM grateful for___________.”

Directing your attention back to this idea will make gratitude an integral part of your thought process over time.


Soon a NEW, POSTIVE AND CHEERFUL you will be mold.

Where the simplest gratitude, create legends