HeartSGBlogs: Responsibility

When we face unfortunate circumstances, events, or happenings, or are unsatisfied with the current, we tend to question, “Whose fault is it? / Why is this happening?” 

We seek answers and often start complaining, blaming and shaming the ones responsible for it. After complaining, blaming and shaming, we then choose to accept the situation and get on with our daily lives. These negative thought and behavioural patterns are typical, and I am no exception myself.

We take no action to change the situation because we fear, we fear the rejections, we fear the unknown, and we fear the failures.

How long are we going to allow this to happen, how long are we going to let others decide a future for ourselves, how long are we going to expect things to change without actually doing anything?

We do have a choice, and to have the choice of making things better comes from the acceptance of responsibility.

Responsibility is the feeling that it’s your duty to deal with what comes up, being accountable, and/or being able to act independently and make decisions without authorization.

Responsibility is existent at all levels…
·       Within yourself
·       Friendships
·       Romantic Relationships
·       Family
·       School
·       Corporate
·       Communities/Societies
·       National

Responsibility is a plays a significant role in every part of our life. With responsibility, we are definitely empowered to make changes in any area; specifically changes for the better.

Take responsibility with us today!

3 rules to take charge of your life

1. Maintain a routine- Consistency is key, it enables us to resist against procrastination. It also makes us plan and think ahead of time, making more conscious and positive self- decisions that benefit ourselves. Taking control of your time is the first step to accepting responsibility in your life. 

2. Stop playing “victim”- Stop with the blaming, complaining and shaming; on others and more importantly yourself. 
Learn to reframe these thoughts of “could have, should have, and would have”. Acknowledge that what is done is done, let the past be past and focus on the present. Be proud that you chose to give yourself an opportunity to make a choice to learn, grow and make things better.

3. Be courageous- Lead and take the first step, try not to let fear conquer yourself. Do not allow fear to close your doors to improve.

Remember responsibility comes from within, external demands or a pressure for responsibilities is not the ultimate goal. 

Only you can take accountability for yourself.

Once responsibility is achieved from the inside, you have the power to impact another; from friends and family surrounding you to a community, society and ultimately a national level.

Fate lies in your hands, decide to be the glimmer of hope toward a generation of advancement and progress.

"Having the simplest responsibility, create Legends"