HeartSGBlogs: Contentment

Contentment is the realisation of how much you already have and the constant satisfaction of having enough.

Contentment is the most lasting form of happiness. It eliminates jealously, inferiority; promotes tolerance and most importantly allowing one to obtain inner peace.

Contentment is not easy to acquire as it is human nature to always aim for the better, to always seek improvement and strive for the best. This nature has indeed brought us many gains; however, the need for constant upgrade and the desire for more can put us into constant stress, despair, anxiety, worry, and frustration.

Going higher is unsustainable and cannot be put through the test of time. Why? The levels are limitless, but unfortunately the human effort has its limits.

Since there is no ultimate destination of getting more, why not place this focus on appreciating what there is.
You will never know when these things will be taken away from you, so do not regret and take what you already have for granted. Instead, learn to cherish what you have and learn that what you have is already enough. This mindset of contentment will bring you comfort in that never ending pursuit of advancement.

Hence, join us in the path towards contentment today!

3 Ways towards the Path of Contentment

Count your blessings!

There are many things that we tend to overlook and take for granted. Be mindful and recognise them. Literally COUNT your blessings, you will find the list to be endless.

Enjoy the simple pleasures in life!

Simple life pleasures are the basics that we have forgotten about, food, water, clothes, sleep, security, safety, etc. Our basic needs are satisfied every single day without any effort. The comfort of filling up your belly, the warmth of the human touch; feeling refreshed after a bath.

Having the “enough” mindset!

If you take a look around, you will find out that you have more than enough, more than required, more than necessary. The extra actually takes up more energy in us. Compare cleaning a wardrobe with 10000 items and just 10 items. Yes, you may have many options, but think again do you really have the emotional capacity to upkeep the effort. Don’t fall into the trap of short term novelty, but remain satisfied with having enough and appreciate that we can choose to have more than what is necessary.

"Having the simplest contentment, create Legends"