HeartSGBlogs: Simplicity

A famous quote from Confucius- “Life is really simple, but we insists on making it complicated.”

This is supported by scientific studies as well, with the phenomenon of complexity bias. Complexity bias is the belief that complex solutions are better than simple ones.

We tend to look at our problems in a complex manner or over complicate it because it justifies the act of running/escaping from the problem. The harder it is, the easier to convince ourselves to let go of that responsibility. 

We seek complexity as we like novelty, crave richness and satisfaction in the depth of things, simplicity to us are viewed as dull and uneventful.

Maintaining complexities are often seen as the main goal towards achieving success in life. That’s why a villager from a small town would often be encouraged to move to a big city, where more opportunities for a successful life are associated with.  

However, the issue with complexity is that it is unsustainable without effort.

For some, the complexities received and obtained were deemed worthwhile for consistent effort.

While, for many, such complexities are not necessarily what one looks towards to, leading to immense suffering as the amount of effort has no reason or purpose.

Although, complexities are deemed as the norm, living in simplicity, and appreciating the basis that everything we need is provided for and done without effort is just as superior as those striving towards complexities.

If what we need is simply a simple life, don’t be afraid to live 
it. Simplicity is the way to cherish and value what we are; we don’t have to force ourselves to live in the complexity norm, which leads to self-destruction and self-depreciation. The best gift of simplicity is to know that you have enough.

3 tips to make life easier


Decluttering is the act to get rid of the unnecessary. Allow yourself to know what is useful and not and throw away the not useful. When you have less, it makes life simpler and easier to deal with.

We often face many temptations of the complexities in the world. We have so many options, choices and new things. Every day, there is a newer and more interesting product out there. Stop & Think… If it is only that momentarily adrenaline that you are getting, do you really actually need that? Having more, means a more complicated life, minimize the things that we need to add to life by buying less.


Organizing helps one to know what we have, taking time to categorize and classify. It gives you a clearer path of how to do things; allows one to be more efficient. It creates a sense of structure and order, making life simpler and less complex.  

"Having the simplest simplicity, create Legends"