HeartSGBlogs: Curiosity

While typing the word curiosity on google search, a famous quote immediately came up in the search section.

Can you guess what the quote was?

The quote was “Curiosity killed the cat”.

It made me wonder who created this saying; I thought to myself maybe it could be an annoyed elder who was frustrated with answering the millions of questions coming from a kid. 

I remember myself as a kid being curious, intuitive, and innocent. Questioning about random things and even things that the adults did not have answers to.
Why is the sun following us? Why is the sky blue? Do ants have siblings?

This curiosity we once had as a child is unfortunately taken over and hidden by the rules, regulations, and the realistic and practical nature of the world that we have learnt while growing up.

Nonetheless, curiosity is one of the main keys that unlocked the infinite capacity of the world from growing and developing further. It is curiosity that allowed for the creation of telephones, antibiotics, and the theory of gravity.

Curiosity not only aids in the process of continuous improvement. It is more importantly the source of that gives us novelty, excitement and pleasure. It brings life out of us. It gives one the edge to seek out and find their passions, dreams, and motivations in life. Curiosity also helps us in worldly processes, like studying, working and building relationships.

Curiosity enables one to question, question things further than those that are explained or taught based on the syllabus. Through questions, it fires up an interest to things, and from there it leads us on to finding out what we like and in turn discovering our passions in life. Finding your passion is the ultimate reward of curiosity, as it gives us a clear purpose and direction to proceed on. Even when failures arrive, it is this passion inside us that will motivate us to persevere on.

Although, the quote “curiosity killed the cat” has its purpose, but there is always that hope to turn it into “curiosity saved the cat”. As the saying goes, take risks to derive big rewards. We only have one chance in life, should we not give ourselves the opportunity to take the risk and fulfil a meaningful and purposeful life that we desire?

Find your curiosity you once had today!

3 Simple Steps to regain Curiosity

Let your mind wander- Daydream, gaze out of the bus, sit in a café without an agenda. Let your unconscious take over you; let your heart take control, questions revealing your heart desires will naturally come to mind.

Think like a child again- A child simply questions things by following their heart, following their interests. Their questions are unbounded by neither fear nor the future, unrestricted by the realistic nature of the society. Do not fear asking questions that are thought to be silly or presumed to be useless. Take that opportunity to feed your curiosity and reclaim your interests. 

Keep track of things that inspire you- It could be a photograph or a book. A collection of items will motivate your senses to be more curious. These items serve as a present when you choose to follow that curiosity in your heart, fueling that motivation to seek and venture. Curiosity sparks Curiosity.

Choose to live a life where you are fully and truly satisfied & happy, get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. This is the only way to realize a life with contentment.

Be CURIOUS now! What is your outlook on this blog post?

"Having the simplest curiosity, create Legends"