HeartSGBlogs: Courage

Sky-diving, bungee jumping, exploring various landmarks, like the Northern lights, the Pyramids of Giza, and the Great Wall of China are often seen in one’s bucket list. Activities in our To-Do List before we die always include activities that instil fear; things we see as a challenge. As human beings, overcoming challenges and facing fears allows us to achieve a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment. Hence, conquering fears are dreams that everyone would like to fulfil at least before our life comes to an end.

According to Senator John Mccain, COURAGE is not the absence of fear, but the capacity for action despite our fears.

Courage is widely promoted and recognized as an important trait, and we see this trait in so many classic Disney and superhero movies. 
Photo from https://freebies2deals.com/2016/10/still-available-disney-movies-starting-just-1-40-30-off-15-orders-hollar.html/disney-movies-hollar

However, we know that movies do not translate to reality, and having courage is not as easy as it seems. Therefore, many people struggle to make an improvement or achieve the goal of conquering fears. 

Although courage is hard to build up, it is definitely a significant attribute that will bring much happiness and joy in our lives. So do not be discouraged, take the courage, use baby steps TODAY! 

Photo from https://quotefancy.com/quote/1183152/Michael-Fassbender-Big-things-have-small-beginnings

Photo from http://shadesassociation.org/scholarships/

3 Small Steps to the Journey of Courage

  1. Valuing Your Opinions
  2. Saying Yes to the things you want & No to the things you do not want  
  3. Do Something Extra every day
    Smiling to a stranger;
    Saying “I love you” or  a simple “Thank you” to a loved one;
    Holding a door for someone;
    Changing up your style
  4. Practice Saying Sorry
  5. Do not underestimate the power of saying “Sorry”. Be vulnerable and in admit your mistakes

Courage brings so much more than one can ever imagine. Don’t regret and live fearlessly with being courageous!

Photo from https://www.marineleadershipgroup.com/courageous-leadership/

"Having the simplest courage create Legends"